Terms And Conditions
- Definitions
(I). Company or Management or Firm means Swastik Tours and Travels, Nagpur through its Proprietor.
(ii). Tour Manager means the Authorised Representative of Swastik Tours and Travels, Nagpur, who has been assigned the job of conducting a particular Group Tour under his leadership, control and management.
(iii). Member(s) of the Tour means a Tourist who has joined the Group Tour being conducted by Swastik Tours and Travels, Nagpur. - GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS
Members are expected not to carry costly jewellery, gold or diamond rings etc. during the tour. Responsibility to take care of luggage and valuables throughout the Tour will be solely of the Members and not of the Management.
2. Members are expected not to leave Wallet, money purse, cash, mobile phone, credit card, camera etc. anywhere unattended.
3. Members are expected to take care of their valuables at every place including Hotel Room, Train, Bus, Flight, Picnic Spot etc. Management will not be responsible for loss of any personal articles whatsoever belonging to any Member.
4. Members are expected not to place any Order through Room Service in Hotels for Tea, Coffee, Beverages, Food etc., unless otherwise specifically informed. If any Member places any such order, he or she will have to pay the necessary charges for the Room Service before checking out from the Hotel.
5. Management reserves its right to serve Break-Fast, Lunch, Dinner etc. with the menu decided by the Tour Manager, as it is not possible to cater to the needs of the individual Members in a Group Tour. As such, if any Member places order separately for Break-Fast, Lunch or Dinner, he or she will have to pay separately for the same which may kindly be noted.
6. Members are expected to strictly follow the Time Schedule during Sight Seeing. Members are also expected to move around during Sight Seeing in a Group so as to facilitate the Tour Manager to mange the Tour effectively.
7. Members are expected not to resort to Marketing during Sight Seeing. They can either go for Marketing in the evening during leisure time or when they are specially allotted time for Marketing by the Tour Manager. However, Members have to make their own arrangements for the same and at their own expense.
8. If any Member faces any difficulty or problem during the Tour, he or she is expected to contact the Tour Manager immediately. If the problem or difficulty of the Member is genuine, it will be taken care of by the Tour Manager immediately.
9. Members are expected not to instruct the Driver of the Vehicle regarding speed of the Vehicle, stopping the Vehicle at a particular spot for photography etc. or to speak to him about his religion, choice of food, his family etc. - TERMS AND CONDITIONS
Booking of Tour
1. In Nagpur, you can book your seat by depositing 50% amount of the total Tour Cost either in cash or by Cheque or a Bank Demand
Draft at our Shankar Nagar Head Office. Pl. ensure to obtain a proper receipt for such payment. Balance payment must be made
within 20 days prior to the date of commencement of the Tour.
Outside Nagpur, you may book your seat(s) with our Authorised Representatives at the notified places. However, you must make the payment either by Crossed Cheque or a Bank Demand Draft while booking your seat. No cash payment be made to the Authorised Representative under any circumstances.
3. If you are interested to book your seat and if our Authorised Representative is not available in your town, you may remit the payment through Net Banking or by way of a Demand Draft or Crossed Cheque favouring Swastik Tours and Travels, Nagpur. Our Bank details are as under:- Account Name:- Swastik Tours and Travels. Bank’s Name:- Bank of India, Dharam Peth Branch, Nagpur. Current Account No. 870 220 11 0000 165, IFSC Code:- BKID 0008702. Demand Draft or Crossed Cheque must be sent with all the particulars of the Members joining the Tour, by Courier or by Reg. Post to our Head Office at Nagpur.
4. You are required to submit a Xerox Copy of your Photo Identity Proof while depositing the booking amount. Original of the same must be carried throughout the tour. Pass Port, Driving License, Voter I.D., Aadhar Card etc. are generally accepted as Identity Proof. Pan Cards are not accepted as Photo I.Ds. as they do not contain the address of the Holder.
5. To ascertain the exact age of children, his or her age proof must be submitted at the time of booking. Every Member above the age of 11 years on the date of the commencement of the Tour will be treated as an Adult. Every Member who is below the age of 11 years on the date of the commencement of the Tour will be treated as a Child. Infant means a child below the age of 2 years on the date of the commencement of the Tour.
6. During pre-departure Get-Together, Members are expected to inform the Management about their choice for Tea or Coffee, with or without sugar, fasts during the Tour etc.
7. Pre-departure Get-Together will be arranged within city limits of Nagpur before the commencement of most of the Tours. However, such a Get-Together is not a part of every Tour and it is not a condition precedent for every Tour.
I.) If you cancel your booking 20 clear days prior to the date of departure of the Tour, 35% deductions will be made from the Total Tour Cost.
ii) If you cancel your booking 10 clear days prior to the date of departure of the Tour, 50% deductions will be made from the Total Tour Cost.
iii) If you cancel your booking within 10 days prior to the date of departure of the Tour, there will be no refund at all and the entire Tour Cost will be forfeited.
iv) Refund will always be paid 30 days after the conclusion of that particular Tour by way of crossed cheque.
9. Members to note that sitting arrangement in the Bus, Boat etc. will be strictly by Rotation and the decision of the Tour Manager will be final in the matter.
10. Members to note that the Management will provide Tea thrice a day, Daily Break-Fast, Lunch and Dinner, as per the Tour Itinerary, unless otherwise provided. Hence, apart from this, if anything is offered to the Members by the Tour Manager, it is to be noted that it is complimentary and it will not be binding for the Tour Manager to offer eatables to the Members on daily basis.
11. If any Member faces any problem regarding Room Service during Hotel Stay, he or she is expected to contact Hotel Management to get the problem resolved. If the Member does not get favourable response, then only, he or she should contact the Tour Manager.
12. If any Member places an order for snacks or cold drinks etc. in the afternoon at Tea Time, he or she has to pay separately for the same.
13. During check-in and check-out at Hotels, and while loading and unloading the luggage in the Bus /Train / Boat etc., Members have to ensure that luggage is in order and that no article is missing.
14. Members to note that those travelling alone during the Tour will not be provided separate Room Accommodation on single occupancy basis. Such individual Member will have to share the room with one or two other Members of the Tour. Otherwise, such individual Member will have to pay additional amount towards Room Tariff for single occupancy.
15..Generally, unless otherwise specifically mentioned, Members are provided Hotel Rooms on Twin Sharing Basis. Extra Bed or Matress is also provided, if required. However, all the Rooms in a particular Hotel may not necessarily be of the same specifications. Rooms may also have less or more facilities. Although Management tries to provide better Rooms to all the Members, it can allot only those Rooms which are available as per reservations done with the Hotel Management well in advance. Hence, Members should not complain about the allotment of the Rooms on this count and such complaints, if made, will not be entertained.
16. For Extra Member in the Room, extra bed is mostly a roll-away bed (Mattress).
17. Members must deposit the Room Key / Card at the Reception Counter of the Hotel at the time of check-out.
18. Generally, Rooms are cleaned by the Hotel Management if Room Keys are deposited at the Reception Counter of the Hotel. Hence, Members should deposit the Room Keys if they want to get their Rooms cleaned.
19. Unless otherwise mentioned, Management will not provide food, tea, coffee etc. during Railway Journey and Members have to manage it on their own and at their own expense.
20. To prepare and serve food at any destination, minimum 3 hours time is required. Hence, on certain occasions, depending upon the situation, Management reserves its right to serve packed or outside food.
21. Tour Manager will provide Bus / Vehicle Service only upto the point where Bus / Vehicle is permitted or upto the parking area. Beyond that point, Members have to either walk down or make their own arrangements and at their own expense.
22. In India, generally, Hotel Check-In and Check-Out time is 12.00 noon.
23. Heavy rains, bridge collapse, bad road conditions, strikes, curfew or any other natural calamity may force the Tour Manager to change or alter the Tour or route, drop a few places of Tourist Interest etc. In such a situation, every Member is required to extend full co-operation to the Tour Manager. In such a situation, no claim for refund etc. will be entertained as such unforeseen circumstances are beyond the control of the Management or the Tour Manager.
24. During the Tour, it will not be possible for the Management or the Tour Manager to alter the Tour Programme or add any place of Tourist Interest not covered in the scheduled Tour Programme at the request of any individual Member, which may please be noted. Members may, however, visit additional spots or go for optional sight-seeing at their own expense.
25. If any Tour is cancelled by the Management for any reason, full amount will be refunded to the Members. Every refund will be paid by way of crossed cheque only, even if you have paid the booking amount in cash. However, if any additional services not covered in the Tour Programme are availed by any Member for that particular tour, cost of such additional services will not be refunded or borne by the Management under any circumstances.
26. The entire Tour Programme is chalked out by the Management well in advance, including Tour Itinerary, Travel Arrangements, Hotel Accommodation, Food etc. Tour Manager is only expected to implement the Tour Programme accordingly. Hence, no Member should hold Tour Manager responsible for the aforesaid arrangements during the Tour.
27. Management and Tour Manager try their level best to complete the Tour Programme as planned. However, if for the reasons beyond the control of the Management or the Tour Manager, the Tour gets extended beyond the scheduled date, additional cost or expenses towards transport, accommodation and food will have to be paid by all the Members to the Tour Manager during the Tour itself.
- During the Tour, if the original Tour Schedule gets disturbed due to delays or cancellation in Rail or Air Travel or due to mechanical break-down of the Bus etc., the Tour Manager may change / alter the Tour Time Table at his own discretion and his decision will be final and the Members will have to co-operate with the Tour Manager in the matter.
29. Tour Programmes mentioned in the Booklet /Brochure are illustrative. The detailed Tour Programme and Tour Itinerary will be provided to the Members during pre-departure Get Together or before the commencement of the Tour.
30 If any Member is joining the Tour at a particular place after its commencement, all additional expenses for travel, hotel accommodation, food etc. will have to be borne by the concerned Member. If such a Member is unable to join the Tour at any given place for any reason whatsoever, such Member alone has to face the all the consequences and the Management will not be liable or responsible for the same and no refund of any nature will be made to the concerned Member under such circumstances.
31. If any Member falls sick during the Tour, First Aid will be provided by the Tour Manager or other members of the Staff. However, for any serious ailment, medical treatment will be arranged through a local Doctor or Hospital and all the Medical Expenses will have to be borne by the concerned Member.
32. We are duly registered as a Tour and Travel House with the Govt. Agencies. Hence, Leave Travel Concession or Leave Fare Concession Certificate can be arranged for any Member, if he or she so desires. However, at the time of booking, such a specific request must be made. Certificate will be issued by our Head Office only after the conclusion of the Tour and in a standardised format. If any Member requires Certificate in a different format, he or she must provide rough draft of the format after the conclusion of the Tour. Under no circumstances, Certificate for a higher amount than the actual cost of the Tour will be issued. If a Member requires copies of the Bus Permit, Driver’s License etc., Tour Manager must be contacted during the Tour and before the conclusion of the Tour to get these copies.
33. Please note that your Railway Reservation will be done in a routine manner through Authorised Railway Agent. You may get lower or middle or upper berth or berths. It may also happen that members of the same family are allotted seats in different compartments or different coaches. You must be prepared for this. Otherwise, you may book your own Railway Seat.
34. Unless otherwise provided, Railway Journey will always be by Sleeper Coach.
35. You can also opt for Railway Travel by First or Second or Third A.C. or A.C. Chair Car etc. In that case, you have to pay the difference
of Railway Fare between Sleeper Coach and the higher class by which you desire to travel. However, you must book your seat at least 65 days before the Tour Date for such Rail Travel by higher class.
36. Senior Citizen Concession provided by the Railways can be availed only if you book your seat at least 65 days before the Tour Date. Otherwise, no such concession will be made available which may kindly be noted.
37. During Rail Travel, every Member must carry original Photo I.D. with him or her. Otherwise, if you are fined by the Railways for not carrying such Photo I.D., concerned Member has to pay the fine on the spot and Management or Tour Manager will not be liable or responsible for the same.
38. Admission / Entry Fees mentioned in the Tour Itinerary are included in the Tour Cost. All other expenses, particularly for Darshan in Temples, religious rituals etc. are not included in the Tour Cost. Some Temples have fixed timings for Darshan.
39. It is the experience of the Management that at some places, after purchasing Admission or Entrance Tickets, the Members walk a short distance and then return to the Bus. Hence, the Admission Fees already paid go waste. Hence, on such occasions, before the Tour Manager makes payment of Admission Fees, Members are expected to clarify whether they are in a position to walk or climb the full distance to visit the particular spot.
40. If the behaviour of any Member is found to be indecent, or if he or she misbehaves with any other Member or Tour Manager or other Staff Members, or if he or she is found to be instigating other Members of the Tour against the Management or the Tour Manager, or if he or she is found to be under the influence of liquor or drugs to such an extent that the overall atmosphere in the Group Tour is adversely affected, the Management and the Tour Manager reserve the right to expel such a Member from the remaining part of the Tour and in that situation, decision of the Management will be final and no refund whatsoever will be made to the concerned Member for unfinished part of the Tour.
41. Company has its Head Office at Nagpur. Hence, if any dispute arises with regard to the services rendered by the Company with regard to any Tour, for all such disputes and claims arising there from, only Courts in Nagpur City will have the jurisdiction. Tour Manager or Staff Members, our Authorised Representatives outside Nagpur cannot be sued in the matter.
42. For Overseas Tours, apart from aforesaid the Terms and Conditions as may be applicable, additional Terms and Conditions will be applicable and the same may be ascertained from our Head Office before you book your seat for Overseas Tours.